Our family is growing in many ways... Growing in numbers, knowledge, parenting skills, growing in love, in our faith, growing our culinary skills (if you can call it that), growing without gluten (some of us), growing green...........

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Not YET!

So it is exactly one week before the scheduled c-section... And for the past week, I have been worried over every single contraction I have. Maybe it's silly, but maybe not... In the past 2 hours and ten minutes, I have had 8 contractions. Not what I am wanting. Remember - we really want this guy to wait until next Wednesday before he arrives because Ryan will then get an extra 3 weeks off from work (paid!). I'm feeling the pressure in a number of ways............................

Please pray, send out thoughts, whatever it is you do - that this little guy can stay in there one more week!

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