Our family is growing in many ways... Growing in numbers, knowledge, parenting skills, growing in love, in our faith, growing our culinary skills (if you can call it that), growing without gluten (some of us), growing green...........

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

TWO months old - and SHOTS!!!

Aiden turned two months old yesterday (wow!). Here are his two-month pics.

We had his check-up today where he got his first shot! We are using an alternative schedule of immunizations, so he hasn't had any shots yet and got less than most would at this visit. He'll still get all of the shots - just on a different schedule. During this visit, he got one shot and one oral vaccination. The oral - he hated (even though the nurse said it's very sweet and babies love it). After a couple drops, he started coughing, and I warned her that if he was coughing, he was likely to spit it up - after which he proceeded to do so. The rest stayed down, though. The shot was horrible for all involved, of course. He cried and cried. I got tears in my eyes. Ryan didn't - and I told him I would write that in the baby book so Aiden knew he was mean (just kidding!). I got to be the savior and nursed him right after the shots - he fell right to sleep and did really well the rest of the day.

Aiden is now 13lbs, 7oz and is 22.5 inches long. He's GROWING!!!

And in many ways... These days he talks to us quite a bit. He's a morning person for sure (morning for him being anywhere between 8 and 11am), talking to me lots while we change his diaper and clothes. Sometimes he tries to talk to me while he's nursing... He'll look up at me, smile, and start to coo. I try to tell him it's time to eat, not play, but then I can't help but return the smile (and then we just decide we'll play and eat later!). He smiles a lot, especially at his star next to his changing station. He has learned how to make the toys on his bouncy seat move by kicking his legs. He's able to go to sleep for some of his naps (and go back to sleep if he wakes) on his own - no fussing. :) (Sometimes - not always - but it's still wonderful that he's learning to do so!) He still sleeps a lot - about the same # of hours as when he first came home. But more of it is at night. He goes to bed anywhere between 8 and 10-something (depending on naptime - and the later time is usually after he's been asleep and we wake him to change into bed clothes). He'll then typically only get up around 2-3, again at 5, and then sometime between 6-7 (then he's back to sleep until later in the morning). So, some would say he's really only waking up twice in the middle of the night (depending on how you look at it!).

There's so much more, and it's just amazing watching him grow and learn so much everyday!!


patsy_dee said...

Oh, Aiden is looking so cute! I think Joaquin has that little white onsie/polo shirt! ;) Thanks mujer!

Samara said...

I still think it's so crazy how much he looks like Ryan.