Our family is growing in many ways... Growing in numbers, knowledge, parenting skills, growing in love, in our faith, growing our culinary skills (if you can call it that), growing without gluten (some of us), growing green...........

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunday through Today

Sunday was a big day here... My mom flew in to stay for a few weeks, and CAMDEN CAME HOME! Ryan drove to the meeting point to get him, since I can't go that far. Mom and I were at the grocery when they got in, and I came in the door saying "Where is my baby???" He came running into my arms and hugged and hugged (and hugged) me. What better feeling is there of your child running into your arms like that??? I can't think of anything!

Today is the big day... We're about to leave for the hospital! I wasn't sure how I would sleep last night, but it was pretty much the same as other nights. I think Aiden knows something is going down today, though. Last night he was moving like CRAZY! And oh man, the pressure!!! That was not fun. Really hurt, to be honest. I wasn't sure if he was trying to say - hey, I'm ready to come out of here! or hey, I'm NOT ready to come out! Hmm.... Like Camden said to him yesterday, ready or not! ;)

I woke up Camden this morning, and the first thing he did was reach over to my belly, patted it, and said, You ready to come out today?? Very cute. I think he's pretty ready to become a big brother! I can't wait to see them together!!


Life Scraps and Patches said...

Daisy, hug Camden again for me. And three cheers for Aiden for making it to Wednesday. May Aiden always be so well-behaved. Happy birthday to all of you. I'll be thinking about you today. Connie

patsy_dee said...

I don't know about you, but I'm nervous and very excited for you all! I thought about you all night last night. Ah, wish we were there. My prayers are with you today. Take care of you.