So, I'm huge on product reviews. I read a bunch before buying things b/c I like to know what I'm getting (and I can be known for returning things after I buy them, too....). Like to do my research, even on the little things. In the baby world, there are a million "must have" products, and here is my take on a few of them...
Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe Wrap - This thing is definitely worth it. I wasn't sure at first, and we had gotten swaddling with regular blankets down to a science. But I tried it out one night and haven't gone back. Much quicker and you can change a diaper without unwrapping. Aiden's hands can get out in the morning with some good wiggling, but that doesn't happen often. And with a swaddled blanket, if we didn't get to him quick enough when he was fussing and waking up, he could loosen up the blankets some anyway. So this
IS a must-have.
My Brest Friend nursing pillow - Sounds good in theory and maybe it works for some, but I didn't need it. After reading so many wonderful reviews, I got it. I only used it a couple times. To me, I didn't like that Aiden had to lie flat on it. I hold him with his head higher than his feet most times. And my torso isn't that long, so I didn't really need that much height. I have to hold him up sometimes, but I didn't need the pillow. After it sat around for a couple weeks, I returned it. You could tell it had
not been used. Definitely
NOT a must-have.
Playard with Vibration - We use this a LOT! When we put him down, if he wakes up or isn't quite asleep when we lie him down, we push the vibrate button, and it works wonders! (We don't wait for him to fuss, we can tell when he might need it, and if we wait until he fusses, it's too late for this to help.) It lasts quite a few minutes. The low hum from the vibration and the feeling itself really helps him drift back to sleep. And the remote control to it that I thought was a little much - another big help. I have it next to my pillow in bed, and it comes in really handy some mornings when I can tell he's not really ready to wake up yet. A
huge must-have!
Gdiapers - These things are awesome!! They're like a mix between cloth and disposable and are

being called the "greenest" diapering option. The outside pant is cloth with a waterproof liner on the inside. In that goes a flushable insert - that you can flush!, compost, or throw away. And it only takes a couple months to be absorbed into the earth (versus the 500 years a disposable is in a landfill!). We haven't had any poopy blowouts like you do with disposables, either. (That's one comment that you constantly hear about gdiapers - no blowouts!) I have often opened up the diaper and been so thankful we had gdiapers once I saw what was being held inside there... Haha! These -
a MUST, MUST have. Plus, they're super-cute! And not really more expensive than disposables, just more up-front cost but it evens out. Interested? Intrigued? Learn more at or ask me! :)
Crib - Well, this is one thing we didn't need right away, though we definitely need. We still have Aiden in the bedroom in a bassinette at night. And during the day, we usually have him nap in the playard bassinette. We are just now starting to do naps in the crib, and he's almost 8 weeks. He'll be in our room at night for a while still.
Pacifier - Another thing that WE apparently didn't really need! This child just does NOT like them! He was taking the soothie for a little bit, but he has downright refused it for the past couple weeks. Once, he almost took it and as soon as it was in his mouth all the way, he gave this look of disgust and pushed it out. He looks like he's actually offended when we try to offer it - like how dare we do such a thing. I guess nothing is as good as mommy (and more importantly momma's milk). That's what he really wants - even if he's just tired and needs to fall asleep. We'll have to watch this eventually, but for now, I'm happy to give in and be a pacifier. It helps him feel secure with me and bond, and that's more important than me refusing b/c he's not actually hungry.
Not a must-have for us - not yet anyway.
Koala Baby blankets - These are from Babies R Us only. We have a few different styles of their blankets, a changing pad cover, and a sheet saver pad. They are amazingly soft!!! And great quality. I LOVE them! Highly recommend - a must-have brand to look at when getting these kind of things. You're baby's skin will be up against them - might as well be extra soft!
Must-haves for US!

Baby Carrier - We have a Peanut Sling, a Moby Wrap, and an Ergo carrier - yes, I'm into baby-wearing. :) The sling will have to wait until he can sit in it b/c he hates having his legs up against something and therefore does not like to lie in it. The Moby works great! Love it! And the Ergo still has yet to be used out, but I've tried it on with Aiden at home, and it seems to be great, too. These help so much with getting things done around the house and being able to walk around outside. I'm looking forward to using the Ergo and going hiking! :) Plus, the Ergo is something Daddy will use, too! Here are the ones we have....
Definitely MUST HAVES!!!
Nursing covers -
MUST have! Blankets just didn't cut it with me. They lie on baby's head, you can't see what you're doing, can't see baby, etc. These just make it easier. They open up on top so you and baby can see each other. They are plenty big enough to cover what you don't want others to see. And they're cute, too. So glad I have this!
And one more...
RayShade UV Protective Stroller Sun Shade (by Kiddopotamus - another great brand!!) - This thing is made to go on the stroller and create a much better shade than

most strollers come with. It has velcro strips so you can adjust it to fit just about any stroller however you need it. We still use the carrier in the stroller, and it doesn't have a huge shade either. So I thought - wonder if I can get it to cover the opposite direction when we have the carrier in the stroller - so we can still see him. And it works! You just have to figure out where you need it and velcro the strips so it fits. We can cover him so there is just enough of an opening where we can see each other. I've been out when it was very hot and I was burning up walking for a bit. He can get hot in his carrier, so I worried he would get hot, too - especially since this shade is black. The child was not hot at all! He was cooler than he normally is in it. So - this is an awesome product! Very versatile!
Must-have for sure!!