Our family is growing in many ways... Growing in numbers, knowledge, parenting skills, growing in love, in our faith, growing our culinary skills (if you can call it that), growing without gluten (some of us), growing green...........

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins

Doesn't feel like Friday to me... We've been in KY since Wednesday evening, so it feels like the end of the weekend already! I haven't done the Friday Fill-Ins in quite a while, but thought I could fit one in today. :)

Answers are in bold.

1. Salmon and asparagus make a quick and easy dinner. That is seriously my favorite quick meal - can be on the table in about 15 minutes, is delicious, and is so good for you, too. Can't get better than that! That or a burger and fries from Five Guys...

2. No Other Gods by Kelly Minter (The Living Room Series) is the book I'm reading right now. I recently joined some other Mamas that do a weekly Bible study / playdate, and this is what we are using right now. Pretty interesting. Not really a BOOK that you sit down and just read, but it's about the closest I can get to reading a book right now - unless you count Guess How Much I Love You and The Very Hungry Caterpillar...

3. July brings back memories of camping out at Blue Licks, like we used to do every summer after Mom and Gene got married. That and swimming.

4. The fact that Aiden should have been put back to sleep when he woke up early was obvious to me. Not so much to Daddy, who was the one that went in to get him. Mommy never got him back to sleep after that...

5. They say if you tell your dreams...I don't know what they say. I say, why keep them a secret?? Say them out loud and you might be more likely to make them come true.

6. Give me time to think it over, and I will think and think and think. I'm rather indecisive. One reason why I research things to no end.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to visiting one of my best friends, Sonia, and her kids and seeing her new house in Lexington, tomorrow my plans include seeing a lot of loved ones and having a big birthday bash for both boys since we're here in KY near a bunch of family and close friends, and Sunday, I want to have a quick and cry-free drive back home to NC, with a stop to see Ryan's dad and stepmom along the way! You can never be too sure how Aiden will do with the long car ride, and we're always crossing our fingers for the least amount of crying.
Happy weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Tell Sonia and Justin hi from me.