Our family is growing in many ways... Growing in numbers, knowledge, parenting skills, growing in love, in our faith, growing our culinary skills (if you can call it that), growing without gluten (some of us), growing green...........

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nursery Furniture!!

It took us (ok, ME) a while to settle on baby furniture. We had to get something we liked, something simple but nice, something that was good quality (must pass the scratch test - and most do not!), and decent in price. Oh, and good reviews from people who already own the pieces! All of those together = hard to find!

But we finally found the perfect set of furniture. Babies R Us happened to get this special deal from Munire (great baby furniture but pretty pricey) to sell some of their designs (called Baby Cache) at a lower price than typical. And one set was exactly what we wanted - it fit ALL the requirements. Only thing is, it's new and very high in demand. But we were finally able to make our purchase this week. We also were able to combine two offers to get it all at a discount that you can't normally get with furniture, so we are ecstatic! Here is what it looks like:

Thank you sooooo very much to MawMaw Sharon for getting the crib for the baby!
(And for getting her name on the waiting list sooner than we did - which helped us order the crib sooner!)
Another BIG thank you to PawPaw Gary and Susan for getting the Combo Unit (the shorter dresser to also be used as a changing table) for the baby!

Once we get the furniture in and have the nursery cleaned out (it's being used for storage now...), we'll post pictures of OUR real furniture. :) It's actually going to be in sooner than expected (!!!), so we have to get on cleaning out that room! Ryan said he felt bad about getting it so soon b/c some parents are still waiting to order and already have their babies but want this furniture. I reminded him, this is why you plan ahead, and we are great at planning ahead (sometimes too far ahead, but that's a different story). So I don't feel bad. If others are choosing to wait just for this furniture, that's their choice. I might have done the same - it's really great quality, great price, and beautiful.

We also have our nursery bedding picked out (for a while now, actually - haven't bought it yet, but we'll get there). We wanted something that could make it through another child and could work for both a boy or a girl. We love this design and all the textures in it for baby to touch and play with. We're using neutral colors (in case the next baby is not the same sex as this baby, and plus we like neutrals) in the nursery, so this fit perfectly with that, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the furniture and bedding. Good luck with cleaning out the room! Take care