Our family is growing in many ways... Growing in numbers, knowledge, parenting skills, growing in love, in our faith, growing our culinary skills (if you can call it that), growing without gluten (some of us), growing green...........

Friday, October 17, 2008

Breastfeeding IS Beautiful - Update...

Someone recently made a nasty comment after reading my blog post about breastfeeding. Here is a note that I put onto the bottom of that blog (after deleting the comment). And please, if you're going to post a nasty comment on someone's blog, have the decency to show your name and not post it as "anonymous." This blog isn't public, so only people that I know and have given out the link to are reading it. I don't appreciate that. If it was you, feel free to speak up and let it be known.

Here is what I added to the blog. I'm posting it here for those that have already read that blog and won't happen to see the update...

Side note
- I do use a nursing cover when I feed Aiden out in public - so my goods are NOT just out there for the world to see. Someone recently made a nasty comment about people nursing in public - I doubt they have children (or if they do - that they have breastfed). You would be surprised to know how discreet someone can be when nursing, and nobody has ever even looked at me in any negative way for feeding my child. Everyone that has known what I was doing was very accommodating and respectful. And yes, in the photo of Angelina breastfeeding, she is in her own home and not in public - but she is allowing the public to see the picture, which is beautiful - and hopefully this will help others think differently about nursing in public (with their own child or when seeing others doing so).


Ginny said...

I plan on nursing exclusively, like you. My cousin still nurses her daughter (for comfort/soothing) and Sophie's about 16 months (or so) now. She's answering lots of my questions, and I'm sure you could do the same. I'll keep you posted.


Sonia said...

I nursed Christian exclusively until 6 months. I am still nursing even though he's eating food too. He has 8 teeth and is 12 months old but he loves to nurse! I don't plan to stop anytime soon. I hope to go until he's two and everyone I know has very extremely supportive!!

Leigh Ann said...

I still nurse Kaelyn and she is almost 14 months! She is down to only once a day because she loves to eat her table food, but I'm in no hurry to give up that last feeding. I used to NIP all the time...especially when she was really young and ate every 2 hours. Love the hooter hider! :)

Samara said...

I'm sorry you got such negative feedback on the breast feeding. While I have never had children, but I do understand how important it is do do it. I have no problems with people doing it in public, I don't even think you should have to cover up. You don't need to be in a restroom or dressing room to feed your kid.