I know we haven't blogged in a WHILE! We have been BUSY! It's the last couple weeks of classes and field (then graduation is soon! Yay!), and many other things have been going on, too. But we wanted to share some pictures of the latest with us and some friends...
First of all, we recently went to the Robbie Seay Band concert that was actually at our own church. The band led Sunday morning worship, and the concert was that evening. All were very awesome. :) Here is a pic of us with Robbie Seay... Very nice guy.

So then it was my and Ryan's birthdays. Not at the same time. Mine was the 11th, his the 18th. So we celebrated together. :) Ryan's mom had spring break this week, so she came down for a couple days to visit. She even treated us to a wonderful dinner at the Chop House Grill that recently opened across the street from us. Very yummy!
And in between our birthdays, another birthday occurred! One of my best friends in the whole world became a mommy! One of my other best friends in the whole world and my own mom both sent me pictures - since they are all in KY and I couldn't be there. :( I really wished I could. Patsy was there when Camden was born - even there in the delivery room when I was
attempting to give birth (before the c-section occurred), and it was very special to me to have her there, so I wish I could have been there for her. But I did get some pictures of the adorable little guy...
Here are some of the new mommy and her little baby, Joaquin Christopher
Here is my mom holding him, too.

And here is Patsy's mom, who is holding Sonia's (my other best friend that took some pics for me) youngest, Christian (who looks just like his daddy!!)

Today was such a beautiful day. We had to take advantage and get outside some! We visited a local park and walked around the lake. We got to see geese, ducks, swans, a pelican, a bunch of turtles of all sizes, etc, etc. Really wish we had taken our camera! Afterwards, we were all ready to chill out for a while. Ryan ended up napping (something he doesn't get a chance to do often with our schedules!) and Camden opted to read a bit. (And obviously, I opted to hop on the computer!)

This is also the first time I have ever seen Ryan in jean shorts!! His mom bought him a pair, and we were both a bit surprised. Ryan has never owned a pair since I've known him, and he never was interested in getting them (usually just wears khaki cargos), but for some reason, he decided to go for it. ;)