Our family is growing in many ways... Growing in numbers, knowledge, parenting skills, growing in love, in our faith, growing our culinary skills (if you can call it that), growing without gluten (some of us), growing green...........

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins

Here are this week's Friday Fill-Ins. :) My answers are in bold.

1. Being Anonymous is the easy way out. If you're going to state things, even controversial things, have the courage to make yourself known. If you aren't comfortable with that, perhaps you shouldn't be saying it period.

2.My baby is a perfect little guy, sleeping aside. He's perfect in every other way, so should I just embrace the sleep issues instead of dwelling/stressing on them? Maybe so (after all, he kind of comes by them honestly...I have always had sleeping problems, from birth on. And Ryan didn't sleep much as a baby, either. Hmm...)

3. Let me embrace thee, sour adversity... That's it. Sometimes things can turn out to be much better than we expected... You never know. Might as well embrace it, right?

4. April birthdays, warm sunshine, being able to leave a screen door open, and telling Camden to get outside and play are part of what I look forward to most about Spring. (In case you're wondering - my and Ryan's birthdays are both in April, exactly one week apart. And many friends are April babies, as well.)

5. Who needs therapy when there is a nice glass of red wine and a good friend nearby. Of course, I'm still off the wine since I breastfeed so often, and my closest friend that I love to chat with over a glass of red vino is far away.

6. Things related to the real reason for the holiday MUST go into the Easter Basket! No silly gadgets or tons of sugary candy (ok, there will be SOME sugary candy - but very little). The focus is on Jesus rising again - not so much on a bunny and junk-food.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing a little (from what Ryan says he plans - we'll see if it works out for us), tomorrow my plans include celebrating my birthday and possibly going to a make-up swim class with Aiden (and Daddy can come and watch) and Sunday, I want to give Camden a HUGE hug when he returns home from his week in KY and spend some time with Ryan's mom and David, as they are coming to visit for a few days!

Happy Easter, everyone!

1 comment:

Life Scraps and Patches said...

Hey, Daisy, Happy Birthday. And birthday wishes to Ryan, too.