Our family is growing in many ways... Growing in numbers, knowledge, parenting skills, growing in love, in our faith, growing our culinary skills (if you can call it that), growing without gluten (some of us), growing green...........

Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins

Here are this week's Friday Fill-Ins. I did this once a few weeks back and have just been crazy-busy the past couple weeks, so I didn't get to it again until now. (I didn't decide to quit after one time, Connie!) ;) Answers are in bold.

1. Why do we have to get out of bed so early in the mornings? I would much rather sleep in until 9 every day. Oh wait - I DO that now... (I would rather be able to do it and not feel guilty about it then.)

2. Going to bed way too late and sleeping in way too late are now habits. Habits that we really want to change.

3. I have a baby that used to fall asleep on his own within 5 minutes of being laid in his crib...and now he might take an hour to go to sleep for 20 minutes. I really think it's separation anxiety kicking in, based on the way he is acting when going down (and when awake).

4. I had never heard the phrase "_____" and it _____. Ok - I'm just going to admit that I can't think of anything here and that I'm not going to stress myself trying to figures something out that is good to say. :) It's ok not to be perfect sometimes. Wow - maybe THAT should be the phrase I had never heard...come out of my mouth, that is....and it sounds just fine to me at this moment. There - how's that!? ;)

5. I'll be going to bed late tonight, like the way I always do. Tonight it's because it was Camden's last basketball game. Ryan coached and we had a little party after the game - and we had to stay until the end. Then come home, get both boys to bed. And we haven't had any time to just relax for ourselves yet - and it's after 10pm. And I'm not the kind that can just come in, do a bunch of work, and flop into bed - I need the down-time before I can go to sleep, even if it means I'm up extra late.

6. How was I to know that I would be such a different parent the second time around. I know there is nine years between them and that I have grown a lot since Camden was born, but I hadn't expected to be so different. I've learned a lot since the first and I'm a very different person, and though I was a good mom when Camden was born, I feel that I've grown so much and put more thought into why I parent this baby the way I do. I don't just do things because that's just how it's done - I parent with purpose and know why I do each little thing.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to maybe sitting down after I finish typing this and watching Private Practice (from last night - we recorded it), tomorrow my plans include Camden's first soccer game, maybe a visit to Babies R Us for a bunch of things we need for Aiden, and hopefully some relaxing time on the couch reading a good book and just being (while Aiden hopefully sleeps long enough to allow part of that), and Sunday, I want to go to church (we've missed some lately and I need it) and then meet some new people and learn some new techniques on how to perfect the cupcake at "Cupcake College" that my good friend Andy is co-hosting!

Happy weekend everyone!

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