Our family is growing in many ways... Growing in numbers, knowledge, parenting skills, growing in love, in our faith, growing our culinary skills (if you can call it that), growing without gluten (some of us), growing green...........

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lent is Here!

We participate in Lent by choice. Our religion doesn't call for it necessarily. I grew up in a church where it was encouraged but not required, and I just think it's a good idea. Camden's learned to participate in it, too. He's been joining in for quite a while now and has done really well with it. Actually, he was the one to remind me yesterday that it was indeed that time again. "What are you giving up, Mom?" Giving up? OH, yeah....

He decided tonight that he will give up ice cream. ("But I can still have brownies!" he reminds me!) I wonder how he will feel when he is reminded that the rest of us can also still eat the ice cream, even if he is around.

I'm thinking...maybe cookies? I've been making a lot lately, and it will be hard to resist. It's either that or give up my anxiety about driving in unfamiliar places. Someone gave up something similar once, and I thought it was a neat idea - giving up a feeling rather than an actual thing. I have a huge issue with driving in places where I'm not 100% certain of where I am going. BUT as great as that would be (and as challenging!), I can't think of many places I will go between now and Easter that will require me to be challenged by that. And this should be a challenge that I have to deal with more than just once or twice during this time...

Back to the cookie thing... I actually already had a recipe that I wanted to try out like now, as soon as I get one more ingredient. Hmmmm....so maybe I should do the cookie thing. Is it ok to make some cookie batter and freeze it for later??? Oh, and we still don't have our Girl Scout cookies - so that will be in my face soon! I gave up cookies once a number of years back - I remember it being a challenge, especially once those GS cookies came in. I'm thinking the cookies might be it.

Ryan still hasn't decided on his thing. We'll see what he does. I think he should give up losing his patience with Camden.... ;) Or sarcasm with me. That could work - those funny remarks he makes trying to joke about something when I know what he really means. (Those things that can be funny but also annoying after the thousandth time - you know what I mean. Like I never annoy him, right? Ha.) My luck, I would probably end up missing those remarks if he did that. I think it is probably harder for Ryan to come up with something. He's one of those good guys who doesn't have much that he struggles with. He's not perfect, but he's closer than I am. Must be nice, huh?

Anybody else participating??

1 comment:

Becky said...

Instead of giving something up I'm going to do something extra. I have decided I will be nicer to my neighbors. Living in NYC people just don't talk to each other in that neighborly way they do in other parts of the country. I grew up in a small town in central NY so I know HOW to be friendly I just haven't been, not that I've been mean I just don't make an effort to engage people. I know there are other new moms in this building somewhere, I should be friends with them! So that is my Lenten (is that a word?) goal, to be friendly to my neighbors and make new friends. Hey maybe I'll even bake THEM cookies! =)

Oh and we don't eat meat on Friday's so I'm trying your eggs tomorrow for dinner. I even went out and bought self rising flour today!